The Hague, The Netherlands - September 2006

>> Friday, September 29, 2006

Pretty unusual to write a travel blog over the Hague, where I am living after all. I thought however it would be nice to tell you a bit about a nice modern art festival which takes place there every year at the end of september: Today's art festival. On the Spui, next to the city hall, you find visual art performers, light shows and many other artists who gather to make you discover their world. Part of the festival is free. To be honest, the 2005 edition did not impress me and it was with much reluctancy that I attended the 2006 one. I got very surprised this year and I must tell you that I enjoyed myself a lot. I particularly liked a classical music show, where a dancer was performing in front of a hotel whose rooms were all dark at first. Each time a new instrument was playing, a room was enlightened...very nice and, for once, something inventive and full of creativity!!! An automat also attracted the public's attention. Finally, I'll mention the asian movies which were screened, particularly the one over Tokyo's subway system: this is what I call an overcrowded subway!!!

This year, I had a nice evening and I certainly will attend next year's edition. You can check the pics here


Playa del Carmen, Mexico - August/September 2006

>> Sunday, September 24, 2006

Mexico was not really an unknown country to me. I went there between Xmas and New Year 2000, while spending some days off in San Diego...Well, I went to Tijuana...which is not really Mexico..more like the backyard of California where US teenagers can drink and do other crazy things. So many things were however already different...the cars, the architecture, the food and I could see the signs of poverty, though well hidden... I thus always wanted to go back to Mexico and Playa del Carmen , on the Caribbean Coast, was too good for a deal to let it go without a try...So here am I: off to Mexico on August 26th for a week of sun, diving and fun at the Reef playacar all inclusive hotel. Let me emphasize the great animation team (especially Leonardo da Vinci...)!

The first thing that struck me when going off the plane was the heat (August was a cold and very rainy month in the Hague....) and the humidity...Took me a couple of days to adjust though lying on the beach and jumping from time to time into the sea does help a lot. The panel of blue also caught my eye...from the sky to the turquoise sea, you cannot stay insensitive to such beauty...not to mention that there is an amazing contrast when storms break in the late afternoon.

I had to celebrate my 29th birthday properly so I decided to take a field trip with my tour operator to the Mayan archeological sites of Coba and Tulum . I've been fascinated with the south-american civilizations since high-school and my first contact with the Mayas should stay in my head for ever (the same way the Egyptian Luxor did fascinate me two years ago). Such magnificence in the middle of the Jungle or on the sea shore...What if Cortez never did put his foot onto Mayan soil?

Staying on the beach, swimming a bit, jet-skiing, playing Water-polo..all those are cool activities and gee...I had so much fun playing with Harry and Clod from London....but nothing compares to scuba diving as far as I am concerned...that's why I went to a diving trip with the Reef marina water sports activities club of the hotel. Julien, the french representative of the club, did a good job selling me four dives...Off to Tortugas to see turtles...Due to ear problems, I unfortunately could only do the second dive. I though saw turtles, walls of fishes and stinger rays...The water was so warm and the colours so beautiful I could have stayed down there for ever... I really felt at home :)

The day after, I went to Puerto Aventuras for a swim with Dolphins...The best experience of my life with an animal: the sweetest, the most intelligent, the cutest, the funniest animal I have ever met..It feels like silk but it is really powerful (trust me on that one)! I will preciously keep the pictures and the DVD! I only met the dolphin for an hour or so but I miss her (well was a female) a lot.

I was supposed to go diving the following morning but, instead, I ended up in a clinic to visit a doctor...Diagnosis: barotrauma of the middle flying for 3 days....."Bummer" I thought at the beginning but I rapidly figured out it was not that bad: no more diving of course but nothing against more jet-skiing or sailing. This extended stay also gave me the chance to meet three wonderful people from Quebec, Allison, Marie-Claude and Irakli, with whom I did stick for the rest of my Mexican getaway...

To sum up, if you want to experience Mexico, go to Playa del Carmen....try all the riviera Mayas, the tequila sunrises, the daiquiris, the mudslides and the margaritas...And you cannot leave Playa del Carmen without paying a visit to two local bars which are so worth it: Senor Frogs and Blue Parrot !!!!!! Enjoy your stay...

Pics from this trip can be seen here . More pics can be viewed on Allison's web site

PS: if you ever go to Cancun, while in holidays, please bring me a CD from the dance club "the city"...Allison, Clod and me would be eternally thankful to you :)


La Rochelle, Bordeaux, France - August 2006

to be published soon....


About This Blog

This blog aims at keeping my friends and family up to date about my weekend and holiday trips.
I consider I'm extremely lucky to be able to travel so much. Not everybody has this chance...Through this blog, I am hence trying to bring pieces of the world back with me, and thereby provide inspiration to my dear ones.

Ghandi's quote

"Vivez comme si vous deviez mourir demain. Apprenez comme si vous deviez vivre éternellement"

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