Kerry County, Ireland - May 2007

>> Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I've heard so many things about Ireland...the Guiness, the rugby teams, the wonderful landscapes, the friendliness of its people...Well, I've been there with Hanna and let me tell you one thing: IT IS ALL TRUE!

Hanna worked in Ireland a few years ago and she kept in touch with friends in Cork. When she offered me to go there, I was delighted (I am always delighted when it comes to discovering new countries) and then, suddenly, I got scared: they drive on the left in Ireland, that is ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD...Well, not much to say about driving there....Scared myself (and Hanna) the first hour or so, almost killed a cat, almost died under a couple of trucks and tractors...but we made it and I can proudly say I almost got used to driving on the left...:)

We arrived in Cork on friday evening May 25th and stayed in the lovely house of Bozena, David and little Adam. I discovered a lot of what polish cuisine has to offer and I am into discovering more if you want me to tell the truth! I have no clue what the dishes were but it was damn tasty! On the saturday, considering that the weather was irish (i.e. almost as bad as in the Netherlands, just much colder), Hanna and Bozena decided to head South toward Kinsale and Nohaval. It was pouring down, the roads were narrow, I was stressed driving but gee....I had fun and I saw the most beautiful cliffs of my entire life (those are to be seen at on my pictures section). On the way back home, we ended up in a pub, drinking guiness or warm whisky (Mum, dad, I only had a coca cola).

On sunday morning, we left our hosts and headed toward the west, i.e. Kerry county. Leaving Cork, we took the N22 thru Mackroom and Killarney and arrived in the Dingle peninsula near Castlemaine. A few km after Fybagh, we took a road on the right, which lead us across the Slieve Mish Mountains toward Camp. A beautiful scenic route between the sheeps and the rivers. The sky was fantasmagoric. At one point we stopped the car, walked a bit and lied down in the grass, eating cake and looking at the clouds...This was paradise:)
Once on the other side of the peninsula, we took the road to Anascaul, Dingle and arrived on the most westerly point of Europe, facing the Blasket islands. I must confess I have seen many shores on many continents. That shore had something special. I had the feeling I was out of the world, hadn't it been for the wind!! After booking a lovely room in a welcoming Bed and Breakfast , we went for dinner in a typical irish pub (that is with typical irish guiness and typical irish music) and then to the Dunquin embarcadero wherefrom ferries leave for the Blasket islands. The rest of the day back at the B&B is classified ;)

Monday morning started the way every day should start: with a good and yummy breakfast (lekker lekker, Adam). After briefly stopping for more pictures, Hanna wanted us to go to the Gap of Dunloe in the Kerry peninsula. We had a very nice walk there and enjoyed the nature and its scenery. I would have liked to stay a bit more but time was flying and we left for Killarney. We shopped a bit there, had dinner in Mackroom and were back in Cork for a second polish late dinner. I left Ireland on tuesday morning quite sad. I discovered a beautiful country with wonderful nature and extremely nice people. I cannot wait until we'll go back...


About This Blog

This blog aims at keeping my friends and family up to date about my weekend and holiday trips.
I consider I'm extremely lucky to be able to travel so much. Not everybody has this chance...Through this blog, I am hence trying to bring pieces of the world back with me, and thereby provide inspiration to my dear ones.

Ghandi's quote

"Vivez comme si vous deviez mourir demain. Apprenez comme si vous deviez vivre éternellement"

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