Javea, Spain - July 2006

>> Thursday, August 10, 2006

From July 27th to July 31st, I went to Javea on the East coast of Spain, south of Valencia, where spanish colleagues got married. I've seen worse spots for a wedding ;) The sun, the heat, the beach, the vibe...everything was there to make this long weekend a perfect mid-summer break! About 20 people from the European Patent Office attended the trip, from as many countries as Spain, France, England, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden....The weekend began on a catamaran off the coast of Altea...a very nice way indeed to get acquainted with each other and, let's face it, to get the tan we will never have in The Hague... Here are videos from that little sailing trip:

I went diving the day after with the Cabolanao diving club from Javea...Nice team and smooth organization...Could have been better without me getting sea-sick...I spare you the details. Came back to the hotel, slept a bit and got dressed for the wedding, which took place in a cute little church in the center of Javea. Enjoyed the great party at one fancy hotel (Gabriela, your brother Javier, is the greatest dancer I've seen in a long long time...He controls the dance floor like nobody else) and finished the night at a beach club downtown Javea. We spent the following day on the beach, trying to get as much as possible out of the sun, the sea, the volleyball and the cocktails...I flew back to Amsterdam very early on monday morning, with new friends (Patricia, Ruben and Gausia), full of memories and with the urge of coming back...

All pics from this trip can be seen here

PS: for those of you who'd like to go to Javea, I'd strongly advise to consider the Solymar hotel. It lies 50 meters from the beach, between Old Javea and the new downtown, near cute little beach bars. The prices are more than affordable, hygiene is good, airco in the rooms, easy to park...Take a look at the bar "La Luna" as well while in Javea...You cannot leave without trying the clara (bier and sprite or bear and fanta lemon).


About This Blog

This blog aims at keeping my friends and family up to date about my weekend and holiday trips.
I consider I'm extremely lucky to be able to travel so much. Not everybody has this chance...Through this blog, I am hence trying to bring pieces of the world back with me, and thereby provide inspiration to my dear ones.

Ghandi's quote

"Vivez comme si vous deviez mourir demain. Apprenez comme si vous deviez vivre éternellement"

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