Dubai, here we come

>> Sunday, October 14, 2012

Saturday, 13.10.2012. We are standing behind the security check point at Schiphol, gate G9. Boarding has started at 14:00 and should continue till 15:30...the size of the A380-800 explains the length of the procedure. As expected, Hanna gets all excited at the arrival of the flight attendants and, especially, at the arrival of the pilots. I guess I am very happy we are married now...

While the plane is getting prepared for its flight to Dubai International airport, many passengers, for whom it is the first flight aboard this giant, take pictures. I must admit I am rather excited about flying in this monsterous machine..just wondering how it can take off...and how much it costs...

Can you imagine that Emirates owns 27 of those Airbus A380-800?

Hanna and I are very happy to leave the Netherlands as it has been raining quite a lot in The Hague for the past 24 hours. actually, we are thrilled at the idea of finding the sun again...boarding is due in a couple of minutes...we are off to Dubai...our honeymoon can now start...yeeepee!


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This blog aims at keeping my friends and family up to date about my weekend and holiday trips.
I consider I'm extremely lucky to be able to travel so much. Not everybody has this chance...Through this blog, I am hence trying to bring pieces of the world back with me, and thereby provide inspiration to my dear ones.

Ghandi's quote

"Vivez comme si vous deviez mourir demain. Apprenez comme si vous deviez vivre éternellement"

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