To Dubai and Japan with love

>> Sunday, October 07, 2012

Starting next week, Hanna and I are off to Dubai and Japan for our honeymoon...for those of you who did not know yet, we actually got married on September 22nd in France. We'll start our big trip in Dubai, where we'll stay for about 5 days; we'll then fly to Tokyo. After a few days there, the plan is to move West/South by train and end up our trip in Okinawa. We'll be off for about a month and will keep you updated of our progress via this blog. I bought a new blogging interface for the iPad, which will hopefully result in our trip being regularly updated, for once.

Hanna and I are both really excited about this trip, especially about the company and the plane we'll be flying from Amsterdam to Dubai, and later from Dubai to Tokyo... Emirates and the famous Airbus A380-800!

To those of you who could attend our wedding, thanks for coming and making this day a very special one! We hope we'll be able to keep the magic going on for a very long time, and we'll start by sharing this trip with you.

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About This Blog

This blog aims at keeping my friends and family up to date about my weekend and holiday trips.
I consider I'm extremely lucky to be able to travel so much. Not everybody has this chance...Through this blog, I am hence trying to bring pieces of the world back with me, and thereby provide inspiration to my dear ones.

Ghandi's quote

"Vivez comme si vous deviez mourir demain. Apprenez comme si vous deviez vivre éternellement"

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